It's a cool Monday night. There is rain coming and my knees and hands are talking to me about it.
Here's some more on the Mountain View trip:
Sunday we went to see the King Tut exhibit at the De Young Museum.

The iris in front of the black wall had absorbed some reflected heat and were ahead of season, in full bloom. The flowers in Mountain View were lovely, tulips and daffodils and plum trees and lilac and redbud. But most iris were just budding out., not these.

While we waited for our turn to see the Tut exhibit, we took a quick look at the New Guinea section. Heather lined up Brynna in front of this headdress so it would look like she was wearing it.

Heather and I sporting the new hats we made on the train up. Heather wins the wildest-ever foo-foo yarn award.
Tut himself was great. I used a chair as so much walking was beyond me. Evva wins the bestest sister ever award for pushing me around in it.
We decided to act like crazy high school girls on a sleep over instead of dignified grandmothers and colored our hair. Heather looks great. I tried out the new red, "Hot Tamale". Here I am a few days later waiting for the train in Santa Barbara, just so you can see the new color.

Some hot tamale grandma! Like the new rhinestone shades?

For lunch the next day we went to Cafe Mazeh, http://www.cafemazeh.com . Awesome place with a wood fired oven and the freshest flat bread ever. Evva ordered a cold dip made of eggplant and many other things - Kashneh Bamedjan - easy for you to say. It was so great. I will have to search online and find a recipe for it. Yum, yum.
I finished the shawl I was making for Evva and we blocked it out on her huge patio table. I wish I had a blocking table like that. The breeze and fresh air dried it in no time.

Here's Evva trying it on.

And from the back to show the length:

This is her Christmas for 2010 but I let her have it now. I would have had to resort to crazy tactics to get it off her. Can you tell that I am just a wee tad pleased by how it turned out? Blocking makes such a difference with lace shawls.
Goodnight from Lilo and Julie
It's a cool Monday night. There is rain coming and my knees and hands are talking to me about it.
Here's some more on the Mountain View trip:
Sunday we went to see the King Tut exhibit at the De Young Museum.
The iris in front of the black wall had absorbed some reflected heat and were ahead of season, in full bloom. The flowers in Mountain View were lovely, tulips and daffodils and plum trees and lilac and redbud. But most iris were just budding out., not these.
While we waited for our turn to see the Tut exhibit, we took a quick look at the New Guinea section. Heather lined up Brynna in front of this headdress so it would look like she was wearing it.
Heather and I sporting the new hats we made on the train up. Heather wins the wildest-ever foo-foo yarn award.
Tut himself was great. I used a chair as so much walking was beyond me. Evva wins the bestest sister ever award for pushing me around in it.
We decided to act like crazy high school girls on a sleep over instead of dignified grandmothers and colored our hair. Heather looks great. I tried out the new red, "Hot Tamale". Here I am a few days later waiting for the train in Santa Barbara, just so you can see the new color.
Some hot tamale grandma! Like the new rhinestone shades?
For lunch the next day we went to Cafe Mazeh, http://www.cafemazeh.com . Awesome place with a wood fired oven and the freshest flat bread ever. Evva ordered a cold dip made of eggplant and many other things - Kashneh Bamedjan - easy for you to say. It was so great. I will have to search online and find a recipe for it. Yum, yum.
I finished the shawl I was making for Evva and we blocked it out on her huge patio table. I wish I had a blocking table like that. The breeze and fresh air dried it in no time.
Here's Evva trying it on.
And from the back to show the length:
This is her Christmas for 2010 but I let her have it now. I would have had to resort to crazy tactics to get it off her. Can you tell that I am just a wee tad pleased by how it turned out? Blocking makes such a difference with lace shawls.
Goodnight from Lilo and Julie
- Location:at home in San Diego
- Mood:
- Music:Mendelsohn
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