Saturday, October 17, 2009

Free Recipe: Savory Dutch Baby

Lovely fall day in San Diego.  The air is soft and warm, not hot, not cold, soft breeze, birds singing. 

Dan and I are having a leisurely brunch.  I made a creation without a name.  It's a savory Dutch Baby.  Maybe I should call it that, Savory Dutch Baby.  It was heavenly.

Savory Dutch Baby

Preheat oven to 400 degrees Farenheit and also pie pan with 2 T olive oil or butter (let your conscience be your guide) I also put in the pan 2 sliced leftover brats, and some leftover baked vegies, onions, yellow bell peppers and apples. (You can tell what last night's supper was).   

In a food processor combine:
2 x-large eggs
1/2 Cup flour
1/2 Cup milk
1/2 tsp salt
a few grinds of black pepper
a pinch of smoked hot red pepper (Chipotle, cayenne or Spanish paprika will do)
1tsp sugar (seasoning quantities to bring out the other flavors, it's not supposed to be sweet)

Whirr for 1 minute. Pour into the hot pan and bake until it is well browned on top and puffs up high, about 25 minutes.

Sprinkle top with 2 Tablespoons chopped parsley and 2/3 Cup of grated cheese. Slide back in the oven for a few seconds to melt the cheese.

Remove and serve in wedges.  It will fall, that is how they do, but it will taste great.  This is my new way to zing up the leftovers. The pic shows it after it has fallen.  You have to be quick to get it all puffed up high!

We went to Buena Park for my birthday. We had Nathan.  Here he is riding a Pizza boat.  The incongruity of pizza in water is lost on him, he just knows that 2 of his favorite things are together, pizza and boat.

We went to Aladdin Cafe in San Diego with Heather. They have a menu option that is a whole mess of appetizers, feeds about 3 or 4.  It was great.  They make their own fresh pita and everything is from scratch and totally fresh.  I love that place.

Dan and I went to see a movie, Julie and Julia, and afterward went to California Pizza Kitchen.  This is Dan's favorite moment, when he just opens the menu and is full of hope that they have added something special and new.  The movie was great.  I recommend it.

See you later, Nate and I are off to see the Cloudy with Meatballs movie...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

International Day Of Peace at USD

I had a great day yesterday at the International Day pf Peace event at USD
Doug and Dan at the SGI exhibit.

Oops, sorry about the flopped photo of me.

It was a lovely, peaceful day and we had a really great time. I wish I had a pic of the white peace dove release (54 of them), but it was over too fast for my laffable camera skills.

After the booth take-down was over we went to the campus cafeteria for a late lunch.  I was surprised at how good the food was, and inexpensive.  A steak plate with a nicely done, cooked to order rare steak and freshly cooked veggies and salad for under $6.  I could have had potatoes, but I declined them.  My memories of college cafeterias from my time in school are not so great, hehe.  You go, USD!

Here is another finished pair of socks for another "bigfoot" in the family, Kevin, size 14 foot. Toe up, 2 on 1 circ, plain vanilla stockinette stitch with 1x1 ribbing at the cuffs.  The yarn is Colinette's Welsh-spun Jitterbug, with a few little additions of Kroy leftovers.  For a Size 14 foot  you need to add a little yarn to make the tops high enough.

Slowly but surely I am filling the "presents" drawer.

Right now I am mostly knitting on the Shaker yarn.  It is just so cool to  knit with yarn actually made by real Shakers!  It is coming out very wooly and warm.

Dan is taking me out to dinner tonight, so I'd better go quick and take him up on his offer!

See ya next time,

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall socks


Hot today.

Well, I finally went to Border Leather in Chula Vista yesterday. In case you are wondering about the name, the husband does leather goods and the wife does yarn.  Wow!  Does she have a lot of lovely yarn. Good prices, too.  I bought a skein of black sock yarn to finish off the socks for the big foot brother in law, size 15 shoe, so that the tops can be long, as he prefers.  The standard 100 gram ball doesn't do it for him, more like 150 grams.   I'll have to go back for more yarn later.  I'll post pix when the big foots are finished. 

Speaking of socks, I finished the fall socks for my father-in-law.

I'm sure he'll like them. The legs are in Coin stitch, which is fun to do.  It's not as stretchy as normal ribbing, so the very tops have to be in the usual ribbing.  But I like the effect. Kind of peek-a-boo with the black frame and the variegated peeking thru.

I went to Orange County today to help my daughter with my grandson.  Those two work some impossible hours.  She was working at 4 am and he was working at 5 am, and the grandson needed to meet a school bus at 8 am.  So, gramma and grampa to the rescue.  This was the first day of the school bus, and he was so happy to be taking the bus.  He just loves the bus with the other kids.  Happy, Happy Nathan.  Crazy hours and long drive by the time we got home.

Tomorrow I will be working a booth at the International Day of Peace at USD.  Good cause, but I will be totally pooped when it's over.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy New Year!

Tonight we went to see my in-law's for Jewish New Year.  It was a lovely dinner.  My little niece was cute as ever and the hit of the party.

I'm knitting on a scarf from some lovely blue and green wool that my sister sent me for my birthday.  She went to Maine this summer for a golf vacation at Poland Springs,  While she was in Maine, she went to Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village and visited the Shaker exhibits and gift shop.  She sent me the wool form the Shakers.  It is very simple two-ply wool, very Shaker-like in its style, full of lanolin on my hands and a little sheepy-smelling.   It's nice to knit is in a simple stitch on plain wooden dowels.  I feel very simple and Shaker-like myself tonight.   I should be singing one of their working songs as I knit.

It's been very hot in California lately.   This is Dan, cooling off in Daphne's, an air-conditioned Greek restaurant, with an iced tea yet.   So, are you too hot to smile, Dude?

These are the plantings in front of the restaurant.  I like the rust and purple grasses with the golden tufts.

My sister got the Smartcar this summer.  It's really fun.

Tata for now, I'm off to knit on my Shaker wool.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A note from the top of the world

I got a postcard from a friend of mine.  A note from the top of the world. She is in Barrow. Alaska. Wow!  What an amazing place. Literally on top of the world.  71° 17′ 33″ N, 156° 47′ 18″ W   

Here's where you can see the freezing summer fog, lol.

I'm enjoying the warmth of a San Diego summer evening, she has 3 degrees below freezing right now.  That's their Idea of high summer, LOL. 

We met several years ago at FNCC (Florida Nature and Culture Center, just outside Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.  FNCC is a Buddhist conference center.  It is so great.  I have always determined to go once a year, and so far I have, even twice a couple of times.  This year is a big challenge.  As Nichiren said,  "Still I am not discouraged."   I'm planning to go in December.  Logic says no, but I'm saying yes. And chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and making every possible cause to change my destiny.

Anyway, I met T. there, and we have kept in touch ever since.  She is a nurse who travels under contract to places that need her, and they tend to be extreme.  A very hot, dusty corner of Arizona or Nevada, a very cold spot in Alaska.  She has been to Alaska many times and loves it there.  Loves to fish in the fishing derby.  One time she caught a halibut that weighed twice what she does and the picture made it into a fishing magazine.

Hi, Honey!  Keep warm!  Catch lotsa big fish!!  December at FNCC will be nice and warm, hint, hint.

I've been thinking about  "Still I am not discouraged."  I told my  friend Judy this story and she asked me to blog about this.  Now,  I have to do this by teling the story.   Let's see if I can make it a short version.... 

In the late eighties I was going through a difficult divorce from my sadly mentally ill ex.   He was so out of control you can't even imagine.  It was especially sad because he was hurting our children real bad and had no idea that he was doing that.  Stalking us and various other nonsense.   Anyway, it amused him to tell the IRS that I was working in his business and had stolen a quarter of a million dollars from his business and that's why he was in arrears in paying taxes.  All a bunch of big lies.  I had nothing to do with any of that.  The business was defunct and all rights to it had been given to him in the divorce.  I had not worked in it in years.  I did not take a dime.  They believed him, however.   It was December 21st.  They siezed my bank accounts and my paycheck.  Then the IRS agent was not returning my calls to ask him why.   I called an attorney who specializes in IRS matters, and told his answering machine my problem, including my name and social security number and that I wanted to hire him, but he also was not returning my calls.  I was at my wit's end.  I had $20 and 2 quarters to my name.   My 2 kids expected something under the tree for Christmas, and I could not even pay the rent.

I was at  work, the plant was empty as everyone had taken off for the holidays already.  I was sitting at my desk trying to enter purchase order data into the computer, but I was mostly crying.  I decided I needed to do something to stop the crying, so I got up and walked to the back of the plant where there was a ladies' room I was sure would be empty.  I washed my face and rallied my courage.  I began chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo standing there in the pink tile palace, chanting along with the humming of some automated machinery in the empty plant.   I decided that hunger was not helping, if all else fails, try chocolate, right?  So I headed to the break room to buy a candy bar.  As I walked to the break room I was chanting under my breath and decided that I needed a small, immediate benefit, please.  Something to show me I was on the right track and keep me encouraged.  After all, Courage is life's most precious commodity.  If we humans have courage, we keep on fighting against impossible odds until we win.  Without courage, we give up on the easy stuff and are defeated.  Human nature. 

So I put my 2 quarters into the candy machine and 2 candy bars came out.  I started laughing so hard I had to sit down.  That second candy bar was pretty cheap encouragement.  I howled with laughter.  It was enough and my life condition lifted.  I laughed and chanted appreciation.  As I walked out of the break room to return to my desk, I nearly tripped over the automated floor cleaning robot that normally cruised the plant, aimlessly cleaning floors and bouncing off walls to clean in a new direction.  Roomba's industrial grandfather.  Emblazoned on its side was it's name, which is the name of a hard-working Japanese protective diety, it even appears in one of the corners of the Gohonzon as a wheel rolling king.  I laughed again.  "I see, the protective forces of the universe are working hard, out of my sight, to protect me.  If I can manage not to trip over them, I will be fine."  As I returned to my desk, it was the IRS attorney calling.  The reason he did not call me back sooner was that there was only one day of court time to spare before things shut down for the holidays, so he dashed straight to court and had been working on my behalf all day.  We had a date set for later in January to meet with the IRS and in the meanwhile they had released my bank accounts and my paycheck.  He had just faxed the release to my company's HR folks and they would see it in the morning.  Later in January we got it all straightened out.   Many years later Bill Clinton changed the law so that innocent former spouces can't be attacked this way any more.  Thank you, Bill.   "Still I am not discouraged."

Here's a picture of Peter's Father's Day socks.  The ones that I did on the cruise with Heather.

Nathan's great grandma on hs father's side at the Long Beach Harbour (by the Queen Mary) on Father's Day.

Good night,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

San Clemente

Yesterday we stopped by Dan's parents to give his father his Father's Day socks. 2 pairs no less.  The pics are on Dan's phone, so when I get them from him I'll add them in. 

Last night we had dinner at Ichiiban on the Rocks in Hillcrest on University.  Really good sushi.  We had sushi rolls, tempura, gyoza, beer, ice cream for desert and green tea to wash it all down.  I felt like I rolled out as stuffed as the sushi rolls.  With the happy hour prices it wasn't even expensive.  Good party.

We met the kids in San Clemente for lunch today, also Heather and Ron.  We were at the Beachfire.  It's a lot of fun.  Local art on the walls. Nice window shopping on Del Mar Ave.  We sat out on the patio in the sun and ocean breezes.  It was really lovely. 
Nate came home with us for the weekend.

Then we stopped at the local yarn shop, Strands Knitting Studio.  www.strandsknitting  Charming, tiny,  little place near the beach.  The owner, Chris,  was nice and let Nate wind my yarn on the swift and Yarn winder.  Five year old's heaven.  They have a nice area with chairs to sit and knit and a toy box for children.    I bought really yummy hand dyed sock yarn, Yukon from Pagewood Farm, in the Meyard Blues colorway.  This would make a really nice shawl.

Must run, tata.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Heather's new car

My sister Heather her hubby Ron and I went looking at Smart cars the other day. She likes this black and white one:

Her plan is to get one in July. Go Heather!  I think they are so cute and fun to drive.

Nate was here this weekend.  Here is his favorite photo.  He's just crazy about Minnie Mouse.

Got to run.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yarn, anyone?

Recently Dan and I went to the Grove,  We were going to buy a book I thought Dare might like, Kirsten Imani Kasai's novel Ice Song..  NOT buy yarn.  So I only bought 8 skeins, big sigh.  Oh yes.  And the book.  Kirsten Imani Kasai's novel Ice Song,
The book looks like fun.  And the yarn too.  Linen. For summer.

Here is the North County Knitters' Guild, evening group.

Then we decided we needed to have dinner at Pala Casino.

Barbra and the discount broshure.  She just finished her fashion show.  She is a designer.  See her at  /apps/photos/photo?photoid=38578683  Personally I like the pink mini-dress.   Not for me, necessarily.

The line was long, but the food was good at the casino.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why the Dragon Dotr?

Hi, Everyone,

Wednesday, weather variable, sometimes cool and windy, sometimes still and hot, hard to know how to dress.  Sweater on, sweater off, on, off.

It was a busy day today. Heather sent me some of her photos from the cruise, so I thought I'd share them here. This is Heather in the spa as we were leaving the San Diego harbor.

Me in full vacation regalia.

Heather and Ron posing in the artwork. Heather attached the two photos as if they were one.

The model of the ship in the dining room.

Arriving at Catalina, a couple of shots stitched together.

We went shopping for new dining room chairs this afternoon, and well, we figured out what we don't want.

Then we went to dinner with Dan's family visiting from Germany.  Pizza Nova on the yacht basin.  Fun place.

When I got home, my friend, Dee, asked me why Dragon Dotr for my blog.  Well, the spelling came from the number of characters Live Journal allowed me, LOL.  The meaning is from the Lotus Sutra.  You know I am a Buddhist.  I have been one 32 years.  I am a member of the SGI-USA.  There is lots of good info at  if you are curious.  I chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo every day.  This school of Buddhism is based on the Lotus Sutra.  In the 12th chapter of the Lotus Sutra lies the explaination for the equal treatment of women in the SGI. 

The Buddha is greeting various Buddhas visiting from distant places and asking them how the progression of Buddhism is doing at their home.  Manjushri comes from out of the sea and  tells him
how wonderful it is that so many of the folks under the sea are attaining their enlightenment under the Lotus Sutra, and how quickly.  Bodhisattva Wisdom Accumulated objects, saying that the Buddha himself struggled for a long time to attain his enlightenment, so how could any teaching cause folks to get there fast. (You can tell I'm telling this in my own words, right?)  

A young, female sea serpent comes out of the water and bows to the Buddha.  She is the eight year old daughter of the Dragon King of the Sea, Sagara.  She praises her teacher and tells the Buddha her vow, "I unfold the doctrines of the Great Vehicle to rescue living beings from suffering."   This is the vow of a great Buddha.
Wisdom Accumulated objects again, he can't quite get his head around her gender, nevermind that she is a child and a dragon.  She shows them by way of explaination how quickly she takes a jewel from the folds of ther robe, a jewel worth as much as a major world system of stars and planets, and quickly hands it to the Buddha, who quickly accepts it.  Then in an instant, she transforms herself into all the different kinds of beings she needs to be and in a flash attains her enlightenment.  Then they understand.

The story in the Lotus Sutra is the foundation of the gender equality in the SGI, so that's why the name has meaning for me. 

BTW, my friend Dee sells Avon. Go here to see her web st
ore.  I just got some yummy new perfumes from her and a very sexy lounge set.  In My size...

I'm very tired so I'd better stop here and go to bed.

Lilo sez "Bye" as she heads out the window for her nightly walk on the wild side. 


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lilo's secret

Memorial Day Monday, cool and overcast most of the day, but got sunny in the afternoon.  Usually San Diego is warmer than this by Memorial Day.

When I got back from my recent cruise my in/outdoor  kitty, Lilo, was missing for 24 hours.  The food we left for her to eat while we were away was relatively untouched.  I was really worried something had happened to her.  So, after a day...  she shows up....  very surprised to see us and my first thought was that she was out in the canyon and would be skinny and dirty.  But, no. She was sleek and clean and had gained weight.   Now Lilo has a sensitive digestion and it's hard to put weight on her.  She throws up if she eats too much.  So, she is usually skinny.  But here she is fat and happy.  Sounds like one of the neighbors adopted her for the duration of the cruise.  Here she is admiring herself in the mirror.

 Here is a picture of my purse, taken by hitting the shutter by accident. I thought you might like to see the crazy gold sequin purse I took on the cruise.   Hey, we have to look the part.

Dan, about to disembark the cruise. 
I had my grandson for the weekend.  I'm always so glad to see him. We had fun is our usual ways, like lunch at Mickey D. I visited friends with 3 little boys.  He always likes that. 

This is Nathan helping me wash dishes and only a 5 year old can do it.

Always fun to play in the water at Grandma's, huh?  We always have a great time together. 

We went to Balboa Park to ride the kiddie train and the carousel.

We met his parents at Tip Top Meats for dinner to hand him back to them. It's half way between us.  Fun place with great German food, and inexpensive.  Also a butcher shop and a German grocery store, and a wine shop with the best European wines.

See ya!