Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Lace

Hi, Everyone,
It's a chilly Saturday night in San Diego.  I am a bit under the weather with a stupid bug, but I'm trying to get past it as fast as possible.  I'm listening to Hillary Hahn play Bach on the violin.

Dan and I have been eating a lot of pho lately.  Vietnamese penicillin.  
Here's a pic of a cute kitten I found looking around for a pic to use as the basis of a sketch.

People have told me that the last post made the big Eagle Shawlette look like an itty bitty thong.  Well, I guess I should have left something next to it for scale, like my scissors or my hand or something.  Trust me, it's not a thong.   It's a shawl for a grown up,  LOL.  Here's the very tip on one wing.

Lilo sez "Hi, Everyone.  Rest assured, I'm still as beautiful as ever.   Ta-ta, I'm off to go hide in the nice warm sweater drawer."  Silly kitty.

I started a new white lace piece, a little charming wisp of a scarf in a floral lace.  We'll see how it turns out.  I could show a photo, but you know how lace looks like nothing until it's blocked.  

I had 2 shawls to block this afternoon, but it did not happen.  Tomorrow doesn't look good either.  Maybe Monday.  Gotta conserve energy and get well.

My sister Evva sent me some lovely laceweight in a beautiful dusky dark aubergine.  She got it from White River Yarns in Vermont.   I'm thinking about a big, oval lace mantilla.  Maybe lace that looks like roses??  I'm thinking at this point.

I used this picture I found on the Internet as a basis for a sketch I used in a mother's day  card  for Amber.  Aren't they cute?


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